Archive by Author

Wrap Up- New Business Models for News Summit

Posted on 04. Nov, 2008 by .


Blogging: Kahil Shkymba Steve Shepard poses the question; what is the best solution for a collaboration between the CSJ and Baruch’s MBA program. Unknown answers that there is no clear answer yet,  but the discussion must begin. Audience member emphasizes editors and development of such is the key to maintaining content viability, thus the key […]

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Is the news room ALL crap?

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


Andrew Heyward  (Marketspace LLC), the group’s moderator, sets the tone for the discussion: Let’s reinvent the modern newsroom. But first, let’s discuss if we need a newsroom at all? Soon the group splits in two – roughly said; in those being pro-building, and those being anti-building. Michael Rosenblum, Rosenblum TV, puts the latter position in […]

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Newsroom: What a fantasy!

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


The group is circling around the size of our startup. How big or how small is an efficient local newsroom? Some suggest that we need 130 content managers. Others counter that that’s way too big. How are we going to earn money? Andrew Heyward underlines, that we don’t want to make a fantasy newsroom here. […]

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In the newsroom: Hassell don't have the foggiest idea

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


The group moves on. Before we decide what the future newsroom look like we have to define our product. We need to know what kind of content we want to produce before we can agree on a newsroom organization. Andrew Heyward suggests, after some discussion, to settle on this: We’re a startup. We’ve bought a […]

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